Missing the pearl of science Stephen Hawking

Missing the pearl of science Stephen Hawking Today is 14 March 2017. This day will be remember by all over the world's people no matter what is the religion , sex , caste and science lover or not because we lost a Pearl of science who gave us many theories like Big Bang Theory which help us to know How universe started and what kind of beautiful process was happened at that time. You may also like PRAY FOR SYRIA #SAVESYRIA Really today we lost a great mind as Stephen Hawking one of the greatest scientist ever born in the world. His death is a big loss in the history of science . His contribution to physics is Immortal. His eyes were able to see the real beauty of science. Here is some detail about the great scientist Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA Born Stephen William Hawking 8 January 1942 Oxford, United Kingdom Died 14 March 2018 (aged 76) Cambridge, United Kingdom Education St Albans School, ...