It has been a long time We all are just watching the news of Sridevi's death.
And now We are celebrating Holi.But do we know that there is a country in our world facing very bad time Its people are dying every day without any fault Yes I am talking about People of Syria?
Who are they?
What is their fault?
Reality is 
Now it is time to talk about them, not Sridevi not anyone else. They are also human beings and they also have right to live their life freely.
Do we know ? that The Syrian conflict has created the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. Half the country's pre-war population — more than 11 million people — have been killed or forced to flee their homes. Families are struggling to survive inside Syria, or make a new home in neighbouring countries.
Secular moderates are now outnumbered by Islamists and jihadists, whose brutal tactics have caused global outrage. ... Its many foreign fighters are involved in a "war within a war" in Syria, battling rebels and rival jihadists from the al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front, as well as government and Kurdish forces. All the powerful countries(SAUDI ARABIA, USA, RUSSIA, IRAN) are involved in the war of going on in Syria.

Seriously We all are incensed by seeing pictures of Syrians coming from there.
Over 500 people including 200 Children died in just one week in Syria(East Ghouta) by chemical bomb. Innocent children do not know even what is a war about? Still, they are dying.

Syrian people died body

syria attack on chid

The picture is the real picture of children died in a chemical bomb attack.
Many people are dying every day.

pray for Syria

I do not have more words to write. In this post, I will not insist anyone share this post. They also need peace.
I regret today that I can not do anything for them.
But at least on the name god please pray for them.
I request, please.
Thank you.


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