The triple A formula to improve the personality....

As I have not done any diploma and degree in the "Art of dealing with People" but after reading some books and listening to some good people, I got to know one thing which is "how to deal with people" but remember one thing always i.e "Exceptions are always there". The three things which I have learned are as follows: 1st thing is "to accept the people as they are" It is necessary to accept the people as they are as I always say that you will not be able to change the people instead of that we can change ourselves according to the situations which we face, Let suppose, you are seeing there is a person who is superior to you and he is doing what you do not like but in his mind he likes a lot what he is doing, can you stop him as he is superior to you and can even fire you from your job, the answer is strictly "NO" you can not, but instead of that you can accept that person as he is, do not insist that anyone be perfect or change ...