An Empty book of Life......

When we see people around us so, we are very curious to know their stories because everyone who takes birth in this world comes with a unique story like when a person comes near you and asks for money so, we are supposed to think like that he has been forced to ask money from us because of his destiny and on the other hand when we see a person driving a car so, he is rich only because of his destiny. There is nothing more mysterious than destiny – of a person, of our species, of our planet or of the universe itself. - Brian Swimme Here a question arises that does destiny really play any role in the life of the particular person? Or the people who are either driving the car or begging on the road have written their stories by themselves because we are grown up listening to thought by the 2nd richest person in the world “Bill Gates” which is “If you are born poor its not your mistake but if you die poor it's your mistake”. The assumption is based on ...