An Empty book of Life......

When we see people around us so, we are very curious to know their stories because everyone who takes birth in this world comes with a unique story like when a person comes near you and asks for money so, we are supposed to think like that he has been forced to ask money from us because of his destiny and on the other hand when we see a person driving a car so, he is rich only because of his destiny.

There is nothing more mysterious than destiny – of a person, of our species, of our planet or of the universe itself. - Brian Swimme

Here a question arises that does destiny really play any role in the life of the particular person? Or the people who are either driving the car or begging on the road have written their stories by themselves because we are grown up listening to thought by the 2nd richest person in the world “Bill Gates” which is “If you are born poor its not your mistake but if you die poor it's your mistake”.

The assumption is based on many perspectives like how the person has been treated in his past, how was his family or how many problems he faced in his past either it was related to finance, shelter, food, social respect, social security or many more.

But at the end of the day, we have to understand that problems are not separate from life but they are the part of life because if the problems are not there so how will we get to know the taste of achieving something and we all know many people around the globe who were born poor, had nothing but due to their struggle, determination or the hope of not losing the battle they became successful.

I believe that we all have been given an empty book where we have to write our own story, not just a simple story but a story which could be read by the people who leave the hope very soon.

Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer. Some are written in the books, and some are confined to hearts.
 - Savi Sharma

The concept of Relation in the empty book:

While we are writing our story of achieving something or getting a renowned or successful person, we also have to write other chapters very carefully as the most important chapter of the book is “Relations” either it is the relation of parents and children or the relationship with people we meet at every step of our life.

There is no need to comment on the relation of parents with children. I am gonna write something about the relation of the people we meet every day. You would be thinking that how can we make any relation with the people, we meet every day but who knows who comes in our life for what reason?

An empty book is an infant's soul in which anything may be written. It is capable of all things but containeth nothing, I have a mind to fill this with profitable wonders. - Thomas Traherne

What I believe that till the age of 25, we meet 75% of people who come in our life for a reason not just for a reason but they might force you to do something which will not be in your favor. The people we meet will not be there to stay with you. They will come and go because that is the name of life. People are only here for some time and when they meet a new person so, it's obvious the person will not treat you like as he/she was treating you earlier.

One should know how to tackle the change when it comes in our life because either you make that change comfortable according to you or you will not be able to manage that change, then the consequences will not be beneficial for you.

If the water does not flow like as it flows so it won't be able to reach where it has to.

Do not ever think much about that person who met you yesterday because of a new day, a new morning, a new life or "YES" a new person is waiting for you which has been sent by the god for a reason.

In last I just want you all to read this small conversation between God and a child.-
A child asked God: “if everything is written in destiny so Why should I wish”?

God smiled and said, “Maybe on some pages, I have written”.

Thank you for reading.
Bharat Rana


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