We all are shocked and shattered after getting Bollywood legendary Sridevi's death news. She was an amazing actress in Bollywood. Sridevi smile The first female superstar of Bollywood, Sridevi died on Saturday night after a cardiac arrest. The legendary actor was in Dubai with husband Boney Kapoor and daughter Khushi Kapoor for Mohit Marwah’s wedding festivities. She was born on August 13, 1963, Sridevi made her Bollywood debut in 1979 with the Hindi film "Solva Sawan," but broke through to the list of Bollywood's most highly sought-after actresses with the film "Himmatwala," four years later. She has done over 300 movies in different languages in her carrier. Sridevi's credits include some of the most watched films of the '80s and '90s, including "Mawaali" (1983), "Tohfa" (1984), " Mr India" (1987), "Chandni" (1989), "Lamhe" (1991) and "Gumrah" (1993 ). H...