Power of listening.
Here is the definition of listening-
to pay attention to someone or something in order to hear what is being said, sung, played, etc. -- Source - Google--
There are two types of listeners exist in the world.
The people who just listen to everything but do not understand that what is being said, how should they react and how to reply to that person, belongs from the first category.
The people who listen to every person very carefully and effectively, who very well know that how they have to react after listening to anything and most important how should they reply, belongs from the second category.
Here is the reason why should we try to belong to the second category;
"To be able to listen to others in a sympathetic and understanding manner is perhaps the most effective mechanism in the world for getting along with the people and tying up their friendship for good." - Oliver Holmes
I agree that most of the people know how to speak effectively and politely but when we come to the listening part, we miss something.
for example, if you meet someone and after some time you think that I could not impress the person as I would have liked, What should I have said to make the conversation more effective, so the thing is, you said what you want and you did not fail to say anything to the person but you missed the most important part of the effective communication that is "LISTENING".
To listen to someone effectively and patiently is as important as speaking effectively.
There are some people who are always ready with the answer even before they hear the question, who interrupt to give a comment before another person finishes. These kinds of people always keep the big ZERO in communication skills and they always want other to listen to them which is not possible in any way.
There are many benefits you can get after being a good listener like;
If you want to know what the other person wants from you so you need to listen to him properly and patiently because good human relation is nothing but two-way communication; give and take, action and response. If you do not know what others want and what they want from you so you are out of touch with them, then how will you live the life.
Listening also improves the thought process of the particular person, first listen to every person then think what is right according to your thoughts and what is wrong then keep the right one with yourself and throw the bad one which you do not want.
Listening can be the best source of information because "While speaking you speak only what you know but while listening to you listen what you do not know"
If you want to deal with any person so what will you do? Will, you just keep talking and speaking in front of him and in last just say to that person -- OK, follow me........

Here are some points what I believe we can follow for being a good listener
1 - Always make the eye contact with the speaker while listening, it will help us to concentrate what the person wants to say and also what is his purpose of saying.
2 - Let the person know that you are interested while listening to the speaker by replying and responding to his talk.
3 - Ask questions, this lets people know that you are listening to him properly.
4 - Do not interrupt, people always appreciate if you do not interrupt them until they finish, it also depends on the situation if the speaker is speaking fondly in his thoughts so, never disturb him until he finishes off.
5 - Do not try to change the subject of the speaker on which he is speaking.
6 - Always try to conclude the topic by saying OK I understood that you wanted to say this............... and then reply with your point of view.
TRY TRY BUT NEVER CRY....Hahahahha just joking...😀
So the conclusion is being a good and active listener can help us to be a good human being and set up the good human relations.
You can also watch the video to learn the extraordinary communication skills;
Thank you again for reading🙏
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