Importance of "Hindi language"! Yes, you read it right that is "Hindi", not "English".
A country which gave us people like Methlisharan Gupt, Shankaracharya, Tulsidas, Kabir, Gurunanak, Mir, Mirja Galib, Munshi Premchand, Mahadevi Verma and many more is now forgetting its own language.
If anyone says that he is bad at Hindi so we think that he is brilliant.
I respect all the languages in the world but in India, the situation is different because doesn't matter if you know your native language or not but you should know to speak in English to recognize yourself as a so-called brilliant person and a person who comes from first class and if you speak in Hindi language so, you will be treated and considered as a person from third class and Yes, people will also think that you must be an illiterate person.
I would like to let you know that most of the Indians do not know how to speak in English but still, India is the second largest country where people use the English language after Hindi and It may also interest you to know that many of the origins of English words come from Sanskrit. For example, "maatra" becomes "mother", "bhratra" becomes "brother", "giamiti" becomes "geometry", and "trikonniti" becomes "trigonometry". - Source: Namaste London Movie.
It is really a stereotype that if you know the English language so, you can visit any country and speak with any person in all over the world because many countries are there which do not believe in using other languages. They always speak in their native language and they really hate English.
- The demand for the Hindi language in Digital media is getting increased by 94%. - Source of facts - ZEE Media
One more thing you should know that World Economic Forum made a Power language Index in which they mentioned the languages which will be the powerful languages of the world till 2050 and the Hindi language was on 10th position.
You must have heard at least a name from this list. They were legends who wrote many poems, kinds of literature, and books in the Hindi language which we are reading today.
If these people would be alive so they would be disheartened by seeing India in this situation where people give more importance to English as compared to Hindi.
If these people would be alive so they would be disheartened by seeing India in this situation where people give more importance to English as compared to Hindi.
If anyone says that he is bad at Hindi so we think that he is brilliant.
WOH! he does not know the Hindi language, he must be a well-educated person and on the other hand, if anyone says I am bad at English so, really we think that how illiterate person he is, he does not know English, he must not be knowing anything and can not do anything in his future.

People from other countries always use their native language to give any speech, presentation or any debate and they are really proud of that but when we do such thing in India so, people think that as he does not know to speak in English so he should not be there.
In India, if you can not Speak in English so, it means that you can not do anything. I really do not understand which society we are living in. Where a person does not recognize another person if he does not know how to speak in English. We make fun of that particular person and try to make him feel embarrassed.
I do think sometimes that is it really true that people like Swami Vivekananda, Aryabhatta, Chanakya and many more took birth in this country.

It is really a stereotype that if you know the English language so, you can visit any country and speak with any person in all over the world because many countries are there which do not believe in using other languages. They always speak in their native language and they really hate English.
I believe that we should learn something from China because the government of China has made the kind of law in which the Chinese people are totally responsible for the growth of their language like all the scientific researches should be done in their language only and all the official work can only be done in either Chinese or Mandarin. China also appreciates organizations and people who encourage the Chinese language.
Their official language is Chinese or Mandarin which will be found in every Institution, agency, firm and establishment as well. Chinese is the basic language in all the Schools which is mandatory to teach their students and The books, magazines, newspapers can only be printed in the Chinese language.

What I believe that English is a global language but Hindi is more important for us because of this language, we can make ourselves identified in front of any other person.
Many so-called intelligent people argue that English is the language of development, respect, and growth but countries like Russia, Japan, Germany, China have proved by accepting their language that a student can get more benefits and growth in his future from his native language or on the basis of their native languages, country also gets developed.
People think that you get more success by learning the English language as compared to Hindi although the people who think like that will be shocked after knowing that the importance of Hindi language in the world is getting increased day by day and here are some facts:
- In the present situation, Hindi is the native language for approximately 400 million people in India.
- Hindi is the 4th most spoken language in the world followed by English, Mandarin, and Spanish.
- You will be surprised to know that there are 176 Universities in the world included with 45 from America teach Hindi language and because of these numbers, there are approximately 1.2 billion people either speak or understand the Hindi language in all over the world.
- 93% of Indian youth watch videos on youtube in the Hindi language.
- 21% of Indian youth want to search anything from the Internet in the Hindi language.
- Unicode has played an important role in providing a platform to Hindi language and because of this, there are over 15 search engines exist on the Internet in Hindi.

One more thing you should know that World Economic Forum made a Power language Index in which they mentioned the languages which will be the powerful languages of the world till 2050 and the Hindi language was on 10th position.
My motive is not to hurt the sentiments of people who speak in English but just to make you understand that we can do more with our language and we should never give more importance to any other language as compared to Hindi. We should always respect, encourage, motivate a person who speaks in Hindi because we can not judge a person's intelligence on the basis of his/her language.
English should be learned with the aim of learning something new rather than learning it to classify a particular person.
Thank you for reading and if you like it so, do share with your friends and let them know that you are proud of being a speaker of Hindi language.
With love to India from Bharat Rana.
Thank you for reading and if you like it so, do share with your friends and let them know that you are proud of being a speaker of Hindi language.
With love to India from Bharat Rana.
मातृ भाषा एव हृदय स्थिता।🙏